
Ph.D. Thesis ULEO

'Informational Integration of Product Development Software in the Automotive Industry — The ULEO Approach'
For a comprehensive and up-to-date insight into informational integration, including analysis of the present state in automotive product development.
Important note: this approach is applicable to any business branch and not at all restricted to automotive industry in any respect.

(pdf, ca. 3.12 MB, Language: English)


Information Spaces

What are information spaces and why should we strive for creating them?

(pdf, ca. 88 KB, Language: English)


Abbildung aller Nutzenarten auf die monetäre Sicht

Bringing processes into the context of an integrated information space creates higher-quality processes, and affects all process steps along the process chain. What does this mean from a monetary view point? Please find in the following a shorthand, but rather detailed mapping of all kinds of benefits to monetary benefit. Working in an integrated information space means...

(pdf, ca. 68 KB, Sprache: Englisch)


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