Dive into the integrated
Information Space

and harvest manifold benefit for your business!

This page provides you with an overview of our consulting services around intelligent and truly beneficial information processing. In this respect it is critical to understand, that we handle these topics holistically within a common context and with the vision of an integrated information space in mind. Only thus truly significant added value arises — also for your business.

Please note also our Whitepaper „Information Spaces“.

Our Services

We analyse the topics relevant to your business processes and conceive options for improvements.

Thereby, we basically cover two subject areas: the application and process integration on the one hand, which is aiming at the integration of individual process steps to a homogeneous process chain, and on the other hand the information and knowledge management. The latter cares about the protection and disclosure of company knowhow, and about its representation, management and effective utilization. This knowhow embraces information supply for individual work steps, detailed user data, status information and gathered experiences.
Both subject areas are considered from the viewpoints of the individual employees and of the enterprise.

Success and benefits of Industry 4.0 and of the Internet of Things (IoT) vitally depend on how sophisticated information is described, linked and exchanged. The first and crucial step is analyzing and describing this information - even before exchange interfaces and algorithms can arise. In this respect it is paramount to recognize and consider the dynamic character of information. Linking information is the second aspect critical for success, and it should be done in an intelligent and unconventional manner. As to the definition of exchange interfaces, traditional formats will not do the job. Again, benefits arising from Industry 4.0 and IoT vitally depend on the ability to handle and positively capitalize on change in information. We even go one step further and state: the Internet 4.0 and IoT need an Integrated Information Space as a foundation infrastructure for sophisticated information flow and processing.

Our services in detail:


Business processes serve the purpose of reaching business goals. In order to be able to embellish and IT-support processes in an optimal way, we should stay permanently aware of the business goals. Processed information has to be analyzed thoroughly.

Our service for you: needs-oriented, information-centered process analyses for all kinds of businesses.

What is that?
We analyze documents and data relevant in the context of your business processes. We take our time to talk with your domain experts. We consider it most critical to understand your goals and concerns and to develop solutions together with you in a co-operative manner. The results are documented in enriched information models. They are an essential base of the conception of IT improvements.


In industrial product development and lifecycle management, IT systems are complex. To align them with future business goals, new concepts of application integration are needed. However, many small and medium-sized enterprises are working in complex information worlds, too. Most often, it is highly well-worthy to revise and realign them in a goal-oriented manner.

Our service for you: the conception of needs-oriented IT solutions.

Details: Independently of the size of your business, and also if you are not planning major changes: we will help you in closing gaps in your processes and in harmonizing them. Even by implementing such measures you will already be able to improve the quality of your results – both, in small and in large scale. It is usually possible to introduce changes stepwise, thus allowing for smooth transitions in the running processes. The base of all improvements are the needs-oriented process analyses.

Implementation Guidance

Of course, we won't let you down, once the time of implementation has come. To make sure that you will get what has previously been planned, we readily will guide your implementation. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Our service for you: implementation guidance.


We have been intensively involved in the modeling working group of Inspection Plusplus Data Management Services (I++DMS) for several years. Based on this experience, we offer you our advice in all respective questions.

Our service for you: I++DMS-related consulting.


We gladly advise you in all questions of information modeling, knowledge representation, application integration and information integration.

Our service for IT vendors and IT service providers: Masterclass Information Spaces.

Each enterprise has got its own goals, processes and priorities.

This website may give you impressions, but many questions can only be addressed peripherally or cannot be addressed at all. The possibilities and circumstances of a co-operation can only be clarified in personal conversation. So, please don't hesitate to contact us without any commitment! We are looking forward to hearing from you.